
Creating a Wishlist in Your Application

In this video, I walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up a wishlist feature in your application using PHP.

We start from the basics of creating the necessary files, proceed to writing and understanding the code, and finally implement the wishlist functionality in a user-friendly interface. In conclusion, setting up a wishlist feature involves more than just installing a plugin. We delve into creating a wishlist.php file under the config folder and configuring it properly. The video then explains how to manage and display wishlist items, emphasizing the importance of coding correctly to ensure seamless functionality. By following along, you will be able to add, display, and manage items in your wishlist, enhancing the user experience on your platform.


  1. Introduction to Wishlist Setup: The video begins by humorously noting that setting up a wishlist isn't as simple as just installing a plugin. We need to do some coding work.
  2. Creating wishlist.php: We create a new file called wishlist.php under the config folder and copy a snippet of code to set up basic settings for the wishlist.
  3. Configuring Wishlist Settings: The video shows how to access and manage these settings through the control panel, allowing easy toggling of features.
  4. Setting Up List Types: We look at how to create and manage list types, focusing on creating a default wishlist handle and the ability to add multiple lists.
  5. Adding Items to the Wishlist: Detailed instructions are given on how to code the addition of items to the wishlist, including the necessary HTML and server-side scripting.
  6. Integrating Buttons: We modify our templates to include buttons for adding and removing items from the wishlist, ensuring these buttons are functional and styled appropriately.
  7. Using Documentation: Throughout the process, we refer to the documentation to ensure our code is correct and to understand the different variables available.
  8. Display Wishlist Items: The video demonstrates how to query and display wishlist items using a for loop, integrating this functionality into the user interface.
  9. Testing the Functionality: After coding, we test the wishlist feature to ensure it works correctly, including adding, displaying, and removing items.
  10. Final Touches: We wrap up by renaming our wishlist to specific categories like movies or games and ensuring our buttons reflect the correct list type.


🛠️ Creating the Config File: We start by creating a wishlist.php file in the config folder to set the groundwork for our wishlist feature.

📋 Managing List Items: Learn how to add, update, and remove items from the wishlist through simple code snippets.

💡 User Interface Integration: Integrate the wishlist functionality into the front end, ensuring users can easily interact with their wishlist.

HTML & Craft Twig Files


Creating a Wishlist in Your Application

In this video, I walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up a wishlist feature in your application using PHP.

We start from the basics of creating the necessary files, proceed to writing and understanding the code, and finally implement the wishlist functionality in a user-friendly interface. In conclusion, setting up a wishlist feature involves more than just installing a plugin. We delve into creating a wishlist.php file under the config folder and configuring it properly. The video then explains how to manage and display wishlist items, emphasizing the importance of coding correctly to ensure seamless functionality. By following along, you will be able to add, display, and manage items in your wishlist, enhancing the user experience on your platform.


  1. Introduction to Wishlist Setup: The video begins by humorously noting that setting up a wishlist isn't as simple as just installing a plugin. We need to do some coding work.
  2. Creating wishlist.php: We create a new file called wishlist.php under the config folder and copy a snippet of code to set up basic settings for the wishlist.
  3. Configuring Wishlist Settings: The video shows how to access and manage these settings through the control panel, allowing easy toggling of features.
  4. Setting Up List Types: We look at how to create and manage list types, focusing on creating a default wishlist handle and the ability to add multiple lists.
  5. Adding Items to the Wishlist: Detailed instructions are given on how to code the addition of items to the wishlist, including the necessary HTML and server-side scripting.
  6. Integrating Buttons: We modify our templates to include buttons for adding and removing items from the wishlist, ensuring these buttons are functional and styled appropriately.
  7. Using Documentation: Throughout the process, we refer to the documentation to ensure our code is correct and to understand the different variables available.
  8. Display Wishlist Items: The video demonstrates how to query and display wishlist items using a for loop, integrating this functionality into the user interface.
  9. Testing the Functionality: After coding, we test the wishlist feature to ensure it works correctly, including adding, displaying, and removing items.
  10. Final Touches: We wrap up by renaming our wishlist to specific categories like movies or games and ensuring our buttons reflect the correct list type.


🛠️ Creating the Config File: We start by creating a wishlist.php file in the config folder to set the groundwork for our wishlist feature.

📋 Managing List Items: Learn how to add, update, and remove items from the wishlist through simple code snippets.

💡 User Interface Integration: Integrate the wishlist functionality into the front end, ensuring users can easily interact with their wishlist.

HTML & Craft Twig Files
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