Free or Personal License

Allows you to use downloaded templates for non-commercial projects that don’t bring you a profit.

Can be used for:

  • Personal social media account with non-commercial activities
  • Personal physical items not for sale
  • Presentations and materials for personal use
  • End products not for sale or distributing

Cannot be used for

  1. End products for sale
  2. Business social media accounts
  3. Physical or digital paid advertisements
  4. Internal purposes in companies with any size of team
  5. Reselling or redistributing of the products
  6. Assignment of copyright or owner rights

Personal License allows you to use downloaded templates for non-commercial, personal projects, personal social media accounts with non-commercial activities, and personal physical items not for sale.

Single-use License

This license applies to all templates purchased on our marketplace:
  • The Single-Use License gives you, the purchaser, the ability to use the template on an ongoing, non-exclusive basis.
  • You're allowed to use the template to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product can be distributed for free.
  • The “End Product” is the final customized version/implementation of the template that you will use or sell to a client.

In other words ...
You can use a Paid Template for only one person/business/project. If you want to use the purchased template for a different client or project, then you'll have to buy another license (by buying the template again). You can customize the template to any degree (adding, altering, or removing text, images, graphics, layout, design, etc.) to fit your project's needs.

What you can do with it
  • You can create one End Product for a client, and after you’re done, you can transfer it over to the client for any fee.
  • You can modify this template and manipulate it. The resulting works are subject to this license. This means no matter how much you modified a site that was based on this template, the resulting work is still subject to this license.
  • You can download the template and host it on a different server without attributing back to Webflow ( only Webflow templates ). The Single-Use License applies to the template when it is hosted on Webflow, another server, or your computer.

In other words ...
You can do anything to a template and use it for one project or sell it to one person/business. You can also purchase a new license if you want to use a newly purchased or customized template for another person/business/project.

What you can't do with it
  1. You can’t sell the End Product to more than one client. Your client can't resell the End Product.
  2. You can't incorporate the template in a work created for redistribution or resale by you or your client. You can’t re-distribute for free or resell the template as-is or after modifications.
  3. You can’t extract a single component out of a template and use it outside the scope of the End Product.
  4. The client or end user of the End Product can't extract a single component out of a template and use it outside the scope of the End Product.

In other words ...
The template as a whole and the things inside of it cannot be resold or given out for free. If you buy a template, modify its contents and then sell it to a person/business, that person/business can't sell it or give it away.

Miscellaneous info
  • The creator of the template retains ownership of the template but grants you the license on the the terms above. This license is between the template creator and you.
  • If a breach in this license is discovered, the creator of the template may take legal action.

Commercial License

Allows you to use downloaded templates for commercial projects.

Can be used for:

  • Business social media account owned and managed by the customer of license
  • Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
  • Physical advertisements for local market
  • Custom work for a single client
  • Internal purposes in companies
  • Design for native apps or web apps

Cannot be used for:

  1. End products for sale
  2. Modifying or manipulating the product to use as a non-majority part of a project for sale
  3. Reselling or redistributing of the products
  4. Assignment of copyright or owner rights

Commercial License allows you to use downloaded assets for commercial projects that include custom work for a client, internal purposes of the company, physical advertisements for the local market, and digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions, physical items not for sale.

Private Label Rights (PLR)

Private Label Rights allow you to leverage downloaded templates to modify and re-sell as your own.

Permissible Uses:

  • Unlimited power: Create websites for sale with unlimited circulation.
  • Business Social Media Accounts: Use across unlimited business social media accounts owned and managed by the licensee.
  • Advertisements: Use in unlimited physical advertisements for local, national, and global markets.
  • Template Modifications: Modify or manipulate the template to be a non-majority part of a template for sale.
  • Reselling and Redistribution: Resell or redistribute the templates.

The PLR license enables you to use purchased templates to create and re-sell them. You can modify or manipulate these templates, incorporating them as non-majority components in larger projects. Additionally, you can combine these templates with other works to create derivative websites.

PLR permits the use of purchased products in unlimited digital and physical advertisements across local, national, and global markets, as well as for creating websites, web apps, or landing pages. Note that this type of license is not included in Lifetime Pro Access and must be purchased separately for each specific product.

What is PLR?

Private Label Rights (PLR) provide the highest level of flexibility in product usage. When you acquire PLR, you typically gain access to the source files used to create the product, such as editable formats like Figma documents, software code, text files, and more. This allows you to:

  • Modify the Product: Tailor the product to suit your specific needs.
  • Authorship Credit: Take credit for the creation of the product.
  • Resell as Your Own: Sell the modified product as your own.

PLR products come in a variety of formats, including videos, eBooks, software, and templates. However, it is crucial to review the specific terms and conditions provided by each PLR provider, as they may impose individual restrictions on usage and distribution.

By understanding and utilizing PLR, you can expand your business offerings with premium Webflow and Framer templates, tailored to your unique requirements and branding.

Last update July 21, 2024
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