
Footer Navigation Tutorial

In this video, I walk you through the process of creating and customizing a footer navigation for your website.

We start by setting up custom fields and global sets, followed by installing and using the Navigation plugin to add flexible and powerful navigation features to your site. In conclusion, this video provides a detailed guide on how to enhance your website's footer navigation using Craft CMS. We begin by creating custom fields and global sets, which are then used to add content to the footer. After that, we install the Navigation plugin through Composer, which allows for a more dynamic and flexible setup. Finally, we go through the steps to display these navigation items on your frontend template, ensuring a seamless and customizable footer navigation experience.


  1. Creating Custom Fields: I started by creating a plain text custom field and assigning it to a global set. This field is then used to add footer content that can be managed globally across the site.
  2. Setting Up Global Sets: The custom field is assigned to a new global set under settings, making it accessible site-wide.
  3. Installing Navigation Plugin: I demonstrated how to install the Navigation plugin using Composer. This plugin adds flexibility and powerful features to manage navigation items.
  4. Node-Based Navigation: Using nodes, we created a structured and manageable footer navigation. Nodes allow adding multiple entries and organizing them into a tree structure.
  5. Adding Entries: Various entries, including categories, assets, and custom URLs, were added to the navigation. This feature provides versatility in linking different parts of the site.
  6. Customizing Nodes: Each node can be customized with suffixes, window settings, and additional attributes, providing detailed control over navigation behavior.
  7. Using Documentation: I referenced the plugin documentation to implement the navigation display in the frontend template. This step ensures the correct setup and functionality of the navigation.
  8. Custom Rendering: For those who need more control, I showed how to override the default rendering with custom code, allowing for precise customization.
  9. Default Structure Syntax: As an alternative to the plugin, I covered using Craft's default structure syntax to create navigation. This method, however, has limitations compared to the plugin.
  10. Preparing for Sitemap: Lastly, we prepared to move on to the next lesson, which involves creating a sitemap.xml for the site, ensuring better SEO and site structure.


🖥️ Custom Fields: Setting up plain text custom fields and assigning them to global sets.

🔧 Navigation Plugin: Installing and configuring the Navigation plugin using Composer.

🌳 Node-Based Structure: Utilizing nodes in the navigation to create a tree-like structure for easy management.

HTML & Craft Twig Files


Footer Navigation Tutorial

In this video, I walk you through the process of creating and customizing a footer navigation for your website.

We start by setting up custom fields and global sets, followed by installing and using the Navigation plugin to add flexible and powerful navigation features to your site. In conclusion, this video provides a detailed guide on how to enhance your website's footer navigation using Craft CMS. We begin by creating custom fields and global sets, which are then used to add content to the footer. After that, we install the Navigation plugin through Composer, which allows for a more dynamic and flexible setup. Finally, we go through the steps to display these navigation items on your frontend template, ensuring a seamless and customizable footer navigation experience.


  1. Creating Custom Fields: I started by creating a plain text custom field and assigning it to a global set. This field is then used to add footer content that can be managed globally across the site.
  2. Setting Up Global Sets: The custom field is assigned to a new global set under settings, making it accessible site-wide.
  3. Installing Navigation Plugin: I demonstrated how to install the Navigation plugin using Composer. This plugin adds flexibility and powerful features to manage navigation items.
  4. Node-Based Navigation: Using nodes, we created a structured and manageable footer navigation. Nodes allow adding multiple entries and organizing them into a tree structure.
  5. Adding Entries: Various entries, including categories, assets, and custom URLs, were added to the navigation. This feature provides versatility in linking different parts of the site.
  6. Customizing Nodes: Each node can be customized with suffixes, window settings, and additional attributes, providing detailed control over navigation behavior.
  7. Using Documentation: I referenced the plugin documentation to implement the navigation display in the frontend template. This step ensures the correct setup and functionality of the navigation.
  8. Custom Rendering: For those who need more control, I showed how to override the default rendering with custom code, allowing for precise customization.
  9. Default Structure Syntax: As an alternative to the plugin, I covered using Craft's default structure syntax to create navigation. This method, however, has limitations compared to the plugin.
  10. Preparing for Sitemap: Lastly, we prepared to move on to the next lesson, which involves creating a sitemap.xml for the site, ensuring better SEO and site structure.


🖥️ Custom Fields: Setting up plain text custom fields and assigning them to global sets.

🔧 Navigation Plugin: Installing and configuring the Navigation plugin using Composer.

🌳 Node-Based Structure: Utilizing nodes in the navigation to create a tree-like structure for easy management.

HTML & Craft Twig Files
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