
Creating Interactive Slideshows in Webflow

In this video, I demonstrate how to effectively use the Webflow Content Management System (CMS) to create dynamic templates and interactive elements. 

You'll see how to set up a slideshow, design a card grid, and link these elements to dynamic template pages, making the web development process more efficient and visually appealing. In this video, I walk you through the steps to create dynamic templates using Webflow's CMS. We cover setting up a slideshow with triggered interactions, designing a card grid linked to dynamic pages, and adding interactive elements like hover effects. You will also learn how to filter and sort content, ensuring that your movies or other items are displayed in an organized manner. By the end of this video, you'll have the knowledge to create complex, visually appealing websites using Webflow.


  1. Introduction to Webflow CMS: The video starts with an overview of Webflow CMS and its capabilities in creating dynamic websites.
  2. Interactive Slideshow Setup: I demonstrate how to create a slideshow with interactions triggered by each slide transition.
  3. Card Grid Design: A simple card grid is designed to load pre-designed cards, linking them to dynamic template pages for detailed views.
  4. Adding Hover Interactions: You learn to add hover interactions to elements like play icons, making the site more engaging.
  5. Menu and Category Navigation: I show how to set up a top menu with categories and genres, linking related items seamlessly.
  6. Pagination Styling: Tips on styling pagination and sorting content by scores are shared for better user experience.
  7. Detailed Movie Pages: Creating detailed pages for individual movies with dynamic content like reviews and cast members.
  8. Actor Pages and Filters: Learn to create dynamic pages for actors, showing related movies using multi-reference fields.
  9. Movie Genre Templates: Setting up dynamic templates for movie genres, ensuring related movies are displayed correctly.
  10. Collaborator Access: The video concludes with instructions on how to add collaborators to your Webflow project for easier content management.


🎬 Creating Interactive Slideshows: Learn how to set up slideshows with interactive elements triggered by user actions.

🃏 Designing Dynamic Card Grids: Discover how to create a card grid that links to individual dynamic template pages, enhancing user navigation.

🔍 Filtering and Sorting Content: Understand how to filter and sort your content, such as movies, based on scores and categories.

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Creating Interactive Slideshows in Webflow

In this video, I demonstrate how to effectively use the Webflow Content Management System (CMS) to create dynamic templates and interactive elements. 

You'll see how to set up a slideshow, design a card grid, and link these elements to dynamic template pages, making the web development process more efficient and visually appealing. In this video, I walk you through the steps to create dynamic templates using Webflow's CMS. We cover setting up a slideshow with triggered interactions, designing a card grid linked to dynamic pages, and adding interactive elements like hover effects. You will also learn how to filter and sort content, ensuring that your movies or other items are displayed in an organized manner. By the end of this video, you'll have the knowledge to create complex, visually appealing websites using Webflow.


  1. Introduction to Webflow CMS: The video starts with an overview of Webflow CMS and its capabilities in creating dynamic websites.
  2. Interactive Slideshow Setup: I demonstrate how to create a slideshow with interactions triggered by each slide transition.
  3. Card Grid Design: A simple card grid is designed to load pre-designed cards, linking them to dynamic template pages for detailed views.
  4. Adding Hover Interactions: You learn to add hover interactions to elements like play icons, making the site more engaging.
  5. Menu and Category Navigation: I show how to set up a top menu with categories and genres, linking related items seamlessly.
  6. Pagination Styling: Tips on styling pagination and sorting content by scores are shared for better user experience.
  7. Detailed Movie Pages: Creating detailed pages for individual movies with dynamic content like reviews and cast members.
  8. Actor Pages and Filters: Learn to create dynamic pages for actors, showing related movies using multi-reference fields.
  9. Movie Genre Templates: Setting up dynamic templates for movie genres, ensuring related movies are displayed correctly.
  10. Collaborator Access: The video concludes with instructions on how to add collaborators to your Webflow project for easier content management.


🎬 Creating Interactive Slideshows: Learn how to set up slideshows with interactive elements triggered by user actions.

🃏 Designing Dynamic Card Grids: Discover how to create a card grid that links to individual dynamic template pages, enhancing user navigation.

🔍 Filtering and Sorting Content: Understand how to filter and sort your content, such as movies, based on scores and categories.

Clone Webflow Template
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