
Creating dynamic tabs and cards in Webflow

In this video, I walk you through the step-by-step process of creating dynamic tabs and cards in Webflow. 

The focus is on setting up a grid layout, defining card sizes, and implementing a close button. I demonstrate how to duplicate and adjust tabs, manage text and background properties, and use flex properties for layout alignment. The session covers intricate details of styling cards with padding, typography, and responsive adjustments to ensure a polished final product. This video guides you through the detailed process of creating dynamic tabs and cards in Webflow, from defining layouts and sizes to managing text and background properties. We begin by setting up a grid layout and defining specific card sizes to match the design guide. I demonstrate how to duplicate tabs and set up a close button using text blocks. We also explore adjusting text and background properties to ensure readability and consistency. Finally, I show how to use flex properties to align elements and make the cards responsive, adding a professional touch to your project.


  1. Setting Up the Grid Layout: I begin by setting up a grid layout for the cards, ensuring each card matches the design guide with specific widths.
  2. Duplicating Tabs: I demonstrate how to duplicate the initial tab to create multiple tabs, ensuring each tab functions correctly.
  3. Implementing a Close Button: A close button is created using a text block and styled to match the overall design, providing an easy way to return to the intro screen.
  4. Adjusting Text and Background Properties: Text and background properties are adjusted for better readability and design consistency.
  5. Using Flex Properties: Flex properties are utilized to align elements within the cards, ensuring a responsive layout.
  6. Styling Cards with Padding and Typography: I show how to add padding and adjust typography to enhance the card design.
  7. Creating Responsive Cards: The cards are made responsive by setting appropriate width properties and using flex layout techniques.
  8. Adding a Global Class for Colors: I explain how to create and apply global classes for primary and secondary colors.
  9. Final Adjustments and Overlaps: Final adjustments are made to ensure the cards align correctly, using relative positions and C index values.
  10. Applying the Techniques in Projects: Throughout the video, I emphasize the practical application of these techniques in your own Webflow projects.


💡 Grid Layout: Learn how to set up and follow a grid layout for your cards.

💡 Tab Duplication: Discover the process of duplicating and adjusting tabs for better functionality.

💡 Close Button Implementation: Understand how to create and style a close button for your tabs.

Clone Webflow Template


Creating dynamic tabs and cards in Webflow

In this video, I walk you through the step-by-step process of creating dynamic tabs and cards in Webflow. 

The focus is on setting up a grid layout, defining card sizes, and implementing a close button. I demonstrate how to duplicate and adjust tabs, manage text and background properties, and use flex properties for layout alignment. The session covers intricate details of styling cards with padding, typography, and responsive adjustments to ensure a polished final product. This video guides you through the detailed process of creating dynamic tabs and cards in Webflow, from defining layouts and sizes to managing text and background properties. We begin by setting up a grid layout and defining specific card sizes to match the design guide. I demonstrate how to duplicate tabs and set up a close button using text blocks. We also explore adjusting text and background properties to ensure readability and consistency. Finally, I show how to use flex properties to align elements and make the cards responsive, adding a professional touch to your project.


  1. Setting Up the Grid Layout: I begin by setting up a grid layout for the cards, ensuring each card matches the design guide with specific widths.
  2. Duplicating Tabs: I demonstrate how to duplicate the initial tab to create multiple tabs, ensuring each tab functions correctly.
  3. Implementing a Close Button: A close button is created using a text block and styled to match the overall design, providing an easy way to return to the intro screen.
  4. Adjusting Text and Background Properties: Text and background properties are adjusted for better readability and design consistency.
  5. Using Flex Properties: Flex properties are utilized to align elements within the cards, ensuring a responsive layout.
  6. Styling Cards with Padding and Typography: I show how to add padding and adjust typography to enhance the card design.
  7. Creating Responsive Cards: The cards are made responsive by setting appropriate width properties and using flex layout techniques.
  8. Adding a Global Class for Colors: I explain how to create and apply global classes for primary and secondary colors.
  9. Final Adjustments and Overlaps: Final adjustments are made to ensure the cards align correctly, using relative positions and C index values.
  10. Applying the Techniques in Projects: Throughout the video, I emphasize the practical application of these techniques in your own Webflow projects.


💡 Grid Layout: Learn how to set up and follow a grid layout for your cards.

💡 Tab Duplication: Discover the process of duplicating and adjusting tabs for better functionality.

💡 Close Button Implementation: Understand how to create and style a close button for your tabs.

Clone Webflow Template
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