
That's a wrap folks

This video wraps up the Webflow course by diving into advanced analytics integration using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 

It offers practical steps to enhance your website tracking and SEO performance. In this final lesson, I demonstrated how to set up advanced analytics for your Webflow site using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. By following these steps, you'll gain deeper insights into your website's performance and visitor behavior. The video covers creating a Google Analytics account, adding tracking codes, and setting up Google Search Console to index your site efficiently. Additionally, it highlights the importance of custom 404 pages and 301 redirects to maintain a seamless user experience. This lesson equips you with essential tools to elevate your website management and optimization.


  1. Webflow Analytics: Discover the basic analytics provided by Webflow and their limitations.
  2. Creating Google Analytics Account: Learn to create a Google Analytics account and set up properties for your website.
  3. Adding Tracking Code: Add the Google Analytics tracking code to your Webflow site for advanced tracking.
  4. Google Analytics Features: Explore various reports in Google Analytics, such as real-time, audience, and acquisition reports.
  5. Google Search Console: Set up Google Search Console to submit your sitemap and monitor site indexing.
  6. Sitemap Submission: Learn how to submit your Webflow-generated sitemap to Google Search Console.
  7. Custom 404 Pages: Customize your 404 error pages to redirect users back to the homepage or provide search options.
  8. 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects to handle old URLs and avoid errors.
  9. SEO Best Practices: Understand best practices for using Google Analytics and Search Console in your projects.
  10. Next Steps: Look forward to overcoming Webflow's limitations in the next course using CraftCMS.


📈 Advanced Analytics: Set up Google Analytics for detailed visitor tracking and behavior analysis.

🌐 Google Search Console: Submit your sitemap to ensure Google indexes your site accurately and quickly.

🔄 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects to manage URL changes and avoid errors in Google Search Console.

Clone Webflow Template


That's a wrap folks

This video wraps up the Webflow course by diving into advanced analytics integration using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 

It offers practical steps to enhance your website tracking and SEO performance. In this final lesson, I demonstrated how to set up advanced analytics for your Webflow site using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. By following these steps, you'll gain deeper insights into your website's performance and visitor behavior. The video covers creating a Google Analytics account, adding tracking codes, and setting up Google Search Console to index your site efficiently. Additionally, it highlights the importance of custom 404 pages and 301 redirects to maintain a seamless user experience. This lesson equips you with essential tools to elevate your website management and optimization.


  1. Webflow Analytics: Discover the basic analytics provided by Webflow and their limitations.
  2. Creating Google Analytics Account: Learn to create a Google Analytics account and set up properties for your website.
  3. Adding Tracking Code: Add the Google Analytics tracking code to your Webflow site for advanced tracking.
  4. Google Analytics Features: Explore various reports in Google Analytics, such as real-time, audience, and acquisition reports.
  5. Google Search Console: Set up Google Search Console to submit your sitemap and monitor site indexing.
  6. Sitemap Submission: Learn how to submit your Webflow-generated sitemap to Google Search Console.
  7. Custom 404 Pages: Customize your 404 error pages to redirect users back to the homepage or provide search options.
  8. 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects to handle old URLs and avoid errors.
  9. SEO Best Practices: Understand best practices for using Google Analytics and Search Console in your projects.
  10. Next Steps: Look forward to overcoming Webflow's limitations in the next course using CraftCMS.


📈 Advanced Analytics: Set up Google Analytics for detailed visitor tracking and behavior analysis.

🌐 Google Search Console: Submit your sitemap to ensure Google indexes your site accurately and quickly.

🔄 301 Redirects: Implement 301 redirects to manage URL changes and avoid errors in Google Search Console.

Clone Webflow Template
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