Homerun Styleguide

Creating a cohesive and visually appealing Webflow site starts with a well-defined style guide. This guide will help you maintain consistency across your project, ensuring a seamless user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the core elements you need to get started:

Typography Settings


  • H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6: Define your hierarchy with distinct font sizes, weights, and line heights.

Text Classes

  • Body Text: Standardize your paragraphs with consistent font size, weight, and line height.
  • Labels/Eyebrows: Use smaller, uppercase text for section labels or introductory text.
  • Field Labels: Ensure form labels are clear and readable.
  • Rich Text: Style your rich text elements for blog posts or content-heavy sections.

Color Options

Text Colors

  • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary: Define a palette for your main text, subtext, and additional text elements.
  • Text Hovers: Add hover effects to enhance interactivity.

Fill Colors

  • Backgrounds: Set primary and secondary background colors for different sections.
  • Border Colors: Define border colors for elements like cards and containers.

Form Colors

  • Input Fields: Style your form fields for both light and dark versions to ensure readability and accessibility.



  • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary: Differentiate actions with distinct button styles.
  • Icon Buttons: Combine icons with buttons for a modern touch.
  • Submit Buttons: Ensure your form submission buttons stand out.


  • Text Links: Style your hyperlinks for clarity.
  • Inline Links: Use inline links within paragraphs for a seamless look.

Interface Elements

  • Pills: Use pill-shaped elements for tags or categories.
  • Icons: Standardize your interface icons for consistency.

Form Elements

  • Text Fields, Text Areas: Style your input fields for usability.
  • Checkboxes, Radio Buttons: Ensure these elements are easily clickable.
  • Select Fields, Dropdowns: Style your dropdown menus for a polished look.

Containers and Spacers

  • Containers: Define your content width and padding.
  • Spacers: Use spacers to maintain consistent spacing between elements.

Additional Information

This style guide serves as a foundational tool for your Webflow site, ensuring that every element is thoughtfully designed and consistent. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll create a cohesive and professional web presence that enhances user experience and engagement.


By following this style guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a visually appealing and user-friendly Webflow site. Happy designing!

Creating a cohesive and visually appealing Webflow site starts with a well-defined style guide. This guide will help you maintain consistency across your project, ensuring a seamless user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the core elements you need to get started:

Typography Settings


  • H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6: Define your hierarchy with distinct font sizes, weights, and line heights.

Text Classes

  • Body Text: Standardize your paragraphs with consistent font size, weight, and line height.
  • Labels/Eyebrows: Use smaller, uppercase text for section labels or introductory text.
  • Field Labels: Ensure form labels are clear and readable.
  • Rich Text: Style your rich text elements for blog posts or content-heavy sections.

Color Options

Text Colors

  • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary: Define a palette for your main text, subtext, and additional text elements.
  • Text Hovers: Add hover effects to enhance interactivity.

Fill Colors

  • Backgrounds: Set primary and secondary background colors for different sections.
  • Border Colors: Define border colors for elements like cards and containers.

Form Colors

  • Input Fields: Style your form fields for both light and dark versions to ensure readability and accessibility.



  • Primary, Secondary, Tertiary: Differentiate actions with distinct button styles.
  • Icon Buttons: Combine icons with buttons for a modern touch.
  • Submit Buttons: Ensure your form submission buttons stand out.


  • Text Links: Style your hyperlinks for clarity.
  • Inline Links: Use inline links within paragraphs for a seamless look.

Interface Elements

  • Pills: Use pill-shaped elements for tags or categories.
  • Icons: Standardize your interface icons for consistency.

Form Elements

  • Text Fields, Text Areas: Style your input fields for usability.
  • Checkboxes, Radio Buttons: Ensure these elements are easily clickable.
  • Select Fields, Dropdowns: Style your dropdown menus for a polished look.

Containers and Spacers

  • Containers: Define your content width and padding.
  • Spacers: Use spacers to maintain consistent spacing between elements.

Additional Information

This style guide serves as a foundational tool for your Webflow site, ensuring that every element is thoughtfully designed and consistent. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll create a cohesive and professional web presence that enhances user experience and engagement.


By following this style guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a visually appealing and user-friendly Webflow site. Happy designing!

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