GSAP Text Scroll Interactions
Text Effects

If you're looking to add some pizzazz to your website, these 10 text and typography scroll effects powered by GSAP, ScrollTrigger, Lenis.js, Splitting.imin.js, and Scrolltype.js are sure to impress. While these effects are fantastic, keep in mind that a basic understanding of JavaScript and data attributes is necessary to modify them significantly.

1. Rotating Highlight

As the paragraph comes into view, each letter rotates and highlights. This effect is achieved using data attributes to control the animation.

2. Rotational Reveal

Each letter enters the view from a different rotation angle and then combines to form the visible text. This creates a dynamic and engaging entrance.

3. Positional Word Reveal

Words come into view from different positions off-screen, creating a staggered and intriguing effect as you scroll.

4. Letter Unwrap

Each word is unwrapped letter by letter as you scroll down the page, providing a smooth and elegant reveal.

5. Folding Letters

Letters fold up at random intervals as they come into view, adding a playful and unexpected twist to your text.

6. Rotational Placement

Each letter rotates into place upon scrolling into view, creating a cohesive and visually appealing effect.

7. Rolling Hills

This effect makes letters appear as if they are rolling over hills as you scroll, adding a whimsical touch to your text.

8. Growing Letters

Each letter grows from its initial position as you scroll down the page, creating a sense of expansion and movement.

9. Blurry Focus

Letters appear blurry and gradually come into focus as you scroll, adding a mysterious and engaging element to your text.

10. Random Direction Reveal

Words come in from random directions to form the paragraph, creating a dynamic and unpredictable effect.

These effects are not only visually stunning but also add an interactive element to your website. However, to fully customize these effects, you'll need to dive into the JavaScript libraries and data attributes that power them. Happy coding!

If you're looking to add some pizzazz to your website, these 10 text and typography scroll effects powered by GSAP, ScrollTrigger, Lenis.js, Splitting.imin.js, and Scrolltype.js are sure to impress. While these effects are fantastic, keep in mind that a basic understanding of JavaScript and data attributes is necessary to modify them significantly.

1. Rotating Highlight

As the paragraph comes into view, each letter rotates and highlights. This effect is achieved using data attributes to control the animation.

2. Rotational Reveal

Each letter enters the view from a different rotation angle and then combines to form the visible text. This creates a dynamic and engaging entrance.

3. Positional Word Reveal

Words come into view from different positions off-screen, creating a staggered and intriguing effect as you scroll.

4. Letter Unwrap

Each word is unwrapped letter by letter as you scroll down the page, providing a smooth and elegant reveal.

5. Folding Letters

Letters fold up at random intervals as they come into view, adding a playful and unexpected twist to your text.

6. Rotational Placement

Each letter rotates into place upon scrolling into view, creating a cohesive and visually appealing effect.

7. Rolling Hills

This effect makes letters appear as if they are rolling over hills as you scroll, adding a whimsical touch to your text.

8. Growing Letters

Each letter grows from its initial position as you scroll down the page, creating a sense of expansion and movement.

9. Blurry Focus

Letters appear blurry and gradually come into focus as you scroll, adding a mysterious and engaging element to your text.

10. Random Direction Reveal

Words come in from random directions to form the paragraph, creating a dynamic and unpredictable effect.

These effects are not only visually stunning but also add an interactive element to your website. However, to fully customize these effects, you'll need to dive into the JavaScript libraries and data attributes that power them. Happy coding!

Text Effects
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