
Dynamic Webflow Templates: A Practical Guide

In this video, I walk you through the process of integrating styles and elements from a playground environment into a dynamic web template. 

We cover how to apply themes, manage content, use conditional visibility, and handle images in Webflow, ultimately creating a seamless and efficient workflow. In this tutorial, we successfully transferred components and styles from a playground to a dynamic web template. By applying a dark theme, setting up conditional visibility based on field values, and managing content dynamically, we streamlined the design and functionality. This approach allows for efficient updates and customization, ensuring a polished and professional end product. Whether you're working with movies or any other type of content, these techniques can enhance your web development process.


  1. Theme Integration: We began by applying a pre-existing dark theme to our dynamic template, ensuring that the overall look and feel remained consistent.
  2. Component Transfer: I showed how to copy components from the playground and paste them into the dynamic template, facilitating an efficient workflow.
  3. Content Replacement: We replaced placeholder content with actual data fields, such as changing text to reflect the year from the properties panel.
  4. Using Conditionals: I explained how to add conditional visibility to elements, making them appear or disappear based on the value of specific fields, such as grades.
  5. Class Management: We organized our styles using combo classes, which allowed for targeted styling based on different conditions (e.g., high, low scores).
  6. Dynamic Backgrounds: I demonstrated how to set background images dynamically by linking them to entries in the database, using the heroBG class.
  7. Multi-Reference Functionality: We explored how to use multi-reference fields to display related data, such as actors in a movie template.
  8. Preview Adjustments: Adjustments were made to the preview settings, ensuring that content displayed correctly based on the applied conditions.
  9. Score Integration: We linked text fields to dynamic scores, ensuring that the displayed data accurately reflected the underlying database values.
  10. Final Adjustments: Final tweaks and checks were performed to ensure that the template worked as intended, providing a seamless user experience.


🎨 Theme Application: We applied a pre-created dark theme to the body, ensuring consistent styling across the template.

📊 Conditional Visibility: By using conditionals, we controlled the visibility of elements based on specific field values, such as showing different colors for different score ranges.

📸 Background Images: We demonstrated how to set background images dynamically using class properties, enhancing the visual appeal of the template.

Clone Webflow Template


Dynamic Webflow Templates: A Practical Guide

In this video, I walk you through the process of integrating styles and elements from a playground environment into a dynamic web template. 

We cover how to apply themes, manage content, use conditional visibility, and handle images in Webflow, ultimately creating a seamless and efficient workflow. In this tutorial, we successfully transferred components and styles from a playground to a dynamic web template. By applying a dark theme, setting up conditional visibility based on field values, and managing content dynamically, we streamlined the design and functionality. This approach allows for efficient updates and customization, ensuring a polished and professional end product. Whether you're working with movies or any other type of content, these techniques can enhance your web development process.


  1. Theme Integration: We began by applying a pre-existing dark theme to our dynamic template, ensuring that the overall look and feel remained consistent.
  2. Component Transfer: I showed how to copy components from the playground and paste them into the dynamic template, facilitating an efficient workflow.
  3. Content Replacement: We replaced placeholder content with actual data fields, such as changing text to reflect the year from the properties panel.
  4. Using Conditionals: I explained how to add conditional visibility to elements, making them appear or disappear based on the value of specific fields, such as grades.
  5. Class Management: We organized our styles using combo classes, which allowed for targeted styling based on different conditions (e.g., high, low scores).
  6. Dynamic Backgrounds: I demonstrated how to set background images dynamically by linking them to entries in the database, using the heroBG class.
  7. Multi-Reference Functionality: We explored how to use multi-reference fields to display related data, such as actors in a movie template.
  8. Preview Adjustments: Adjustments were made to the preview settings, ensuring that content displayed correctly based on the applied conditions.
  9. Score Integration: We linked text fields to dynamic scores, ensuring that the displayed data accurately reflected the underlying database values.
  10. Final Adjustments: Final tweaks and checks were performed to ensure that the template worked as intended, providing a seamless user experience.


🎨 Theme Application: We applied a pre-created dark theme to the body, ensuring consistent styling across the template.

📊 Conditional Visibility: By using conditionals, we controlled the visibility of elements based on specific field values, such as showing different colors for different score ranges.

📸 Background Images: We demonstrated how to set background images dynamically using class properties, enhancing the visual appeal of the template.

Clone Webflow Template
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