
Craft CMS Template Building Tutorial

In this video, I walk you through the process of building and structuring templates using Craft CMS. 

We cover everything from setting up the file structure to implementing template inheritance and creating dynamic routes. By the end, you'll understand how to efficiently organize and manage your Craft CMS project. In this tutorial, I demonstrated how to set up and organize templates within Craft CMS. We began by copying essential files into the web root folder and proceeded to create and extend templates using Twig. I showed how to use blocks and variables for dynamic content and explained the concept of template inheritance. Finally, I covered the importance of creating both static and dynamic routes and securing template files for accessibility.


  1. Setting Up the Web Root Folder: We start by organizing our web root folder, copying over necessary CSS, documents, fonts, and JavaScript files.
  2. Creating the Layout Template: I explain the process of creating a layout.twig file and why we prefix it with an underscore for better accessibility and organization.
  3. Template Inheritance with Twig: Learn how to utilize template inheritance in Twig by extending the layout template and defining block content for dynamic data.
  4. Implementing Content Blocks: We delve into creating content blocks in Twig, which allows for modular and reusable template components.
  5. Debugging and Syntax Errors: I show how to identify and fix common syntax errors in Twig, ensuring your templates work flawlessly.
  6. Adding Global Variables: Use global variables like site URL to dynamically link resources such as CSS and images across your templates.
  7. Dynamic Content with Entries: Replace static placeholders with dynamic content using Craft CMS entries, making your templates more flexible and data-driven.
  8. Managing Routes: Differentiate between static and dynamic routes, and learn how to create dynamic routes for entries that do not have a physical file in the web root.
  9. Securing Templates: Understand the importance of using underscores in template filenames to prevent public access and ensure only specific routes are accessible.
  10. Finalizing the Template Setup: Wrap up by reviewing the template structure, ensuring everything is properly configured and ready for further development.


📁 File Organization: Set up the web root folder and organize essential files such as CSS, images, and JavaScript.

🧩 Template Inheritance: Use Twig to extend templates, creating a structured and manageable template hierarchy.

🔄 Dynamic Routes: Implement dynamic routing to manage URLs efficiently and ensure they point to the correct templates and content.

HTML & Craft Twig Files


Craft CMS Template Building Tutorial

In this video, I walk you through the process of building and structuring templates using Craft CMS. 

We cover everything from setting up the file structure to implementing template inheritance and creating dynamic routes. By the end, you'll understand how to efficiently organize and manage your Craft CMS project. In this tutorial, I demonstrated how to set up and organize templates within Craft CMS. We began by copying essential files into the web root folder and proceeded to create and extend templates using Twig. I showed how to use blocks and variables for dynamic content and explained the concept of template inheritance. Finally, I covered the importance of creating both static and dynamic routes and securing template files for accessibility.


  1. Setting Up the Web Root Folder: We start by organizing our web root folder, copying over necessary CSS, documents, fonts, and JavaScript files.
  2. Creating the Layout Template: I explain the process of creating a layout.twig file and why we prefix it with an underscore for better accessibility and organization.
  3. Template Inheritance with Twig: Learn how to utilize template inheritance in Twig by extending the layout template and defining block content for dynamic data.
  4. Implementing Content Blocks: We delve into creating content blocks in Twig, which allows for modular and reusable template components.
  5. Debugging and Syntax Errors: I show how to identify and fix common syntax errors in Twig, ensuring your templates work flawlessly.
  6. Adding Global Variables: Use global variables like site URL to dynamically link resources such as CSS and images across your templates.
  7. Dynamic Content with Entries: Replace static placeholders with dynamic content using Craft CMS entries, making your templates more flexible and data-driven.
  8. Managing Routes: Differentiate between static and dynamic routes, and learn how to create dynamic routes for entries that do not have a physical file in the web root.
  9. Securing Templates: Understand the importance of using underscores in template filenames to prevent public access and ensure only specific routes are accessible.
  10. Finalizing the Template Setup: Wrap up by reviewing the template structure, ensuring everything is properly configured and ready for further development.


📁 File Organization: Set up the web root folder and organize essential files such as CSS, images, and JavaScript.

🧩 Template Inheritance: Use Twig to extend templates, creating a structured and manageable template hierarchy.

🔄 Dynamic Routes: Implement dynamic routing to manage URLs efficiently and ensure they point to the correct templates and content.

HTML & Craft Twig Files
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