
Best Practices for SEO Using Craft CMS

In this lesson, I delve into the best practices for optimizing SEO using Craft CMS. 

We'll explore how to structure meta tags, leverage dynamic content, and implement global variables for enhanced SEO performance. I'll guide you through creating custom fields, handling null conditionals, and integrating SEO components into your templates for optimal indexing by search engines. In this video, I walk you through the process of improving your site's SEO using Craft CMS. We start by setting up dynamic meta fields, such as titles and descriptions, to ensure each page is properly indexed by search engines like Google. I demonstrate how to use template inheritance to apply SEO settings across multiple pages efficiently. Furthermore, I introduce the concept of global variables, which allow editors to manage site-wide SEO elements easily. By the end of this lesson, you'll have a clear understanding of how to create, manage, and implement SEO-friendly content within Craft CMS.


  1. Introduction to SEO Best Practices: In this lesson, I cover the essential SEO practices to follow using Craft CMS, focusing on dynamic content and meta tags.
  2. Setting Up Dynamic Meta Fields: I explain the importance of dynamic meta tags, including titles, descriptions, and open graph tags, which are crucial for search engine indexing.
  3. Template Inheritance: By using template inheritance, we ensure that SEO settings can be efficiently applied across multiple pages, saving time and maintaining consistency.
  4. Creating Custom Fields: I demonstrate how to create custom fields within Craft CMS, such as SEO titles and descriptions, to tailor SEO content for each page.
  5. Handling Null Conditionals: Learn how to implement null conditionals to provide default values for SEO fields, ensuring no page is left without SEO content.
  6. Using Includes for SEO: I show how to use includes to streamline the process of adding SEO content to various pages.
  7. Global Variables Setup: Understand the setup and use of global variables to manage site-wide SEO elements, making it easier for editors to update SEO content consistently.
  8. Applying SEO to Multiple Templates: I guide you through the process of copying SEO blocks to various templates to ensure comprehensive SEO coverage.
  9. Testing and Troubleshooting: Watch me test the implemented SEO settings and troubleshoot common issues that may arise.
  10. Next Steps: As a follow-up, I hint at exploring pagination in the next lesson, continuing the journey of mastering Craft CMS.


📝 Meta Tags: Learn to create and manage dynamic meta tags for better indexing.

⚙️ Template Inheritance: Efficiently apply SEO settings across multiple pages using template inheritance.

🌐 Global Variables: Utilize global variables for site-wide SEO management, making it easier for editors to maintain consistency.

HTML & Craft Twig Files


Best Practices for SEO Using Craft CMS

In this lesson, I delve into the best practices for optimizing SEO using Craft CMS. 

We'll explore how to structure meta tags, leverage dynamic content, and implement global variables for enhanced SEO performance. I'll guide you through creating custom fields, handling null conditionals, and integrating SEO components into your templates for optimal indexing by search engines. In this video, I walk you through the process of improving your site's SEO using Craft CMS. We start by setting up dynamic meta fields, such as titles and descriptions, to ensure each page is properly indexed by search engines like Google. I demonstrate how to use template inheritance to apply SEO settings across multiple pages efficiently. Furthermore, I introduce the concept of global variables, which allow editors to manage site-wide SEO elements easily. By the end of this lesson, you'll have a clear understanding of how to create, manage, and implement SEO-friendly content within Craft CMS.


  1. Introduction to SEO Best Practices: In this lesson, I cover the essential SEO practices to follow using Craft CMS, focusing on dynamic content and meta tags.
  2. Setting Up Dynamic Meta Fields: I explain the importance of dynamic meta tags, including titles, descriptions, and open graph tags, which are crucial for search engine indexing.
  3. Template Inheritance: By using template inheritance, we ensure that SEO settings can be efficiently applied across multiple pages, saving time and maintaining consistency.
  4. Creating Custom Fields: I demonstrate how to create custom fields within Craft CMS, such as SEO titles and descriptions, to tailor SEO content for each page.
  5. Handling Null Conditionals: Learn how to implement null conditionals to provide default values for SEO fields, ensuring no page is left without SEO content.
  6. Using Includes for SEO: I show how to use includes to streamline the process of adding SEO content to various pages.
  7. Global Variables Setup: Understand the setup and use of global variables to manage site-wide SEO elements, making it easier for editors to update SEO content consistently.
  8. Applying SEO to Multiple Templates: I guide you through the process of copying SEO blocks to various templates to ensure comprehensive SEO coverage.
  9. Testing and Troubleshooting: Watch me test the implemented SEO settings and troubleshoot common issues that may arise.
  10. Next Steps: As a follow-up, I hint at exploring pagination in the next lesson, continuing the journey of mastering Craft CMS.


📝 Meta Tags: Learn to create and manage dynamic meta tags for better indexing.

⚙️ Template Inheritance: Efficiently apply SEO settings across multiple pages using template inheritance.

🌐 Global Variables: Utilize global variables for site-wide SEO management, making it easier for editors to maintain consistency.

HTML & Craft Twig Files
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