Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider

In the ever-evolving world of web design, having dynamic and interactive elements on your site is crucial. Enter the Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider—a powerful tool designed to enhance your Webflow site by adding a dynamic, interactive slider.

CMS-Driven Functionality

One of the standout features of this slider is its CMS-driven functionality. This allows you to easily manage and update the content of your slider, making it a convenient and efficient way to showcase your work. Whether you're displaying a portfolio, products, or testimonials, the CMS integration ensures that your content is always up-to-date and relevant.

Smooth Dragging Experience

The slider offers a smooth, trackpad-friendly dragging experience. This means users can effortlessly navigate through your content, providing a seamless and enjoyable interaction. Additionally, the slider includes mobile smoothing, ensuring that the experience is just as fluid on smartphones and tablets.

Clean and Professional Look

A small but significant feature is the use of a small webkit code to remove the scrollbar. This provides a clean and professional look, allowing your content to take center stage without any distractions.

Key Benefits

  • Dynamic and Interactive: Engage your audience with a slider that brings your content to life.
  • Easy Management: Update your slider content effortlessly through Webflow's CMS.
  • Seamless Experience: Enjoy smooth dragging on all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
  • Professional Aesthetics: Achieve a clean look by removing the scrollbar.


The Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider is a valuable asset for any Webflow site. It provides a dynamic and user-friendly way to showcase your content, ensuring a seamless and professional experience for your audience. Elevate your web design game and make your site stand out with this powerful tool.

Ready to transform your Webflow site? Try the Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider today!

In the ever-evolving world of web design, having dynamic and interactive elements on your site is crucial. Enter the Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider—a powerful tool designed to enhance your Webflow site by adding a dynamic, interactive slider.

CMS-Driven Functionality

One of the standout features of this slider is its CMS-driven functionality. This allows you to easily manage and update the content of your slider, making it a convenient and efficient way to showcase your work. Whether you're displaying a portfolio, products, or testimonials, the CMS integration ensures that your content is always up-to-date and relevant.

Smooth Dragging Experience

The slider offers a smooth, trackpad-friendly dragging experience. This means users can effortlessly navigate through your content, providing a seamless and enjoyable interaction. Additionally, the slider includes mobile smoothing, ensuring that the experience is just as fluid on smartphones and tablets.

Clean and Professional Look

A small but significant feature is the use of a small webkit code to remove the scrollbar. This provides a clean and professional look, allowing your content to take center stage without any distractions.

Key Benefits

  • Dynamic and Interactive: Engage your audience with a slider that brings your content to life.
  • Easy Management: Update your slider content effortlessly through Webflow's CMS.
  • Seamless Experience: Enjoy smooth dragging on all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
  • Professional Aesthetics: Achieve a clean look by removing the scrollbar.


The Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider is a valuable asset for any Webflow site. It provides a dynamic and user-friendly way to showcase your content, ensuring a seamless and professional experience for your audience. Elevate your web design game and make your site stand out with this powerful tool.

Ready to transform your Webflow site? Try the Smoothing Draggable CMS Slider today!

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