Pushing the Envelope with Webflow Nested Symbols

This video is a comprehensive guide on utilizing Webflow's new feature: nested symbols. Nelson, the host, explores how nested symbols can enhance web design by allowing components within components, facilitating more efficient and flexible design processes. He explains the concept using atomic design principles, where basic elements (atoms) combine to form complex components (molecules and organisms), enabling a modular and scalable design system.


  • Introduction to Nested Symbols: Nelson introduces nested symbols, explaining their purpose and how they allow for more dynamic and reusable components within Webflow projects.
  • Atomic Design Principles: The video uses atomic design principles to illustrate how basic elements (atoms) such as buttons, labels, and input fields can be combined into more complex structures (molecules and organisms), showcasing the power of nested symbols.
  • Practical Demonstration: Through a live demonstration, Nelson creates a simple webpage, progressively adding and nesting symbols to show how changes in one symbol can propagate through the entire design, enhancing consistency and efficiency.

This video is a comprehensive guide on utilizing Webflow's new feature: nested symbols. Nelson, the host, explores how nested symbols can enhance web design by allowing components within components, facilitating more efficient and flexible design processes. He explains the concept using atomic design principles, where basic elements (atoms) combine to form complex components (molecules and organisms), enabling a modular and scalable design system.


  • Introduction to Nested Symbols: Nelson introduces nested symbols, explaining their purpose and how they allow for more dynamic and reusable components within Webflow projects.
  • Atomic Design Principles: The video uses atomic design principles to illustrate how basic elements (atoms) such as buttons, labels, and input fields can be combined into more complex structures (molecules and organisms), showcasing the power of nested symbols.
  • Practical Demonstration: Through a live demonstration, Nelson creates a simple webpage, progressively adding and nesting symbols to show how changes in one symbol can propagate through the entire design, enhancing consistency and efficiency.
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