How to Send Airtable Data to Webflow via Zapier

The video, presented by Connor, founder of the Unicorn Factory, explains how to use reference fields in Webflow to create data-rich profile pages for freelancers or suppliers on a marketplace platform. Connor demonstrates this using his own freelancer marketplace as an example.

Reference fields in Webflow allow different collection items (such as locations, categories, or freelancers) to be associated with each other, creating a user-friendly experience where visitors can easily navigate between related pages. There are two types of relationships: single reference (e.g., one profile relates to one city) and multi-reference (e.g., one profile relates to multiple case studies or skills).

Connor explains how to set up reference fields in Webflow's CMS by adding new fields and selecting the appropriate collection to connect. He emphasizes the importance of using reference fields instead of drop-down fields for items like cities or skills, as they create standalone pages that are beneficial for SEO.

The video then focuses on automating the process of adding collection items to profiles using Zapier, specifically for single reference collection items. Connor explains that when users sign up through Airtable and select their city, a lookup field is used to find the corresponding Webflow item ID. This ID is then used in the Zapier automation to correctly link the profile to the city in Webflow.

Connor stresses the importance of storing Webflow item IDs in Airtable for different reference fields, as it becomes crucial when scaling the platform. He mentions that multi-reference automation is more complex and requires a different approach, which he plans to cover in a future video.

Throughout the video, Connor emphasizes the benefits of using reference fields, including improved user experience and SEO advantages. He also highlights the value of using Airtable as the main database for managing these connections between different platforms.


  • Reference fields in Webflow allow for creating interconnected, data-rich profile pages.
  • Automating the process requires using Webflow item IDs stored in Airtable for accurate connections.
  • Proper use of reference fields improves both user experience and SEO for marketplace platforms.

The video, presented by Connor, founder of the Unicorn Factory, explains how to use reference fields in Webflow to create data-rich profile pages for freelancers or suppliers on a marketplace platform. Connor demonstrates this using his own freelancer marketplace as an example.

Reference fields in Webflow allow different collection items (such as locations, categories, or freelancers) to be associated with each other, creating a user-friendly experience where visitors can easily navigate between related pages. There are two types of relationships: single reference (e.g., one profile relates to one city) and multi-reference (e.g., one profile relates to multiple case studies or skills).

Connor explains how to set up reference fields in Webflow's CMS by adding new fields and selecting the appropriate collection to connect. He emphasizes the importance of using reference fields instead of drop-down fields for items like cities or skills, as they create standalone pages that are beneficial for SEO.

The video then focuses on automating the process of adding collection items to profiles using Zapier, specifically for single reference collection items. Connor explains that when users sign up through Airtable and select their city, a lookup field is used to find the corresponding Webflow item ID. This ID is then used in the Zapier automation to correctly link the profile to the city in Webflow.

Connor stresses the importance of storing Webflow item IDs in Airtable for different reference fields, as it becomes crucial when scaling the platform. He mentions that multi-reference automation is more complex and requires a different approach, which he plans to cover in a future video.

Throughout the video, Connor emphasizes the benefits of using reference fields, including improved user experience and SEO advantages. He also highlights the value of using Airtable as the main database for managing these connections between different platforms.


  • Reference fields in Webflow allow for creating interconnected, data-rich profile pages.
  • Automating the process requires using Webflow item IDs stored in Airtable for accurate connections.
  • Proper use of reference fields improves both user experience and SEO for marketplace platforms.

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