GSAP Vertical Looping CMS Marquee

Marquees have long been a staple in web design, providing a dynamic way to display scrolling text. But what if you could take this classic element and supercharge it with extra functionality? Enter the GSAP-powered vertical marquee.

What Makes This Marquee Special?

Unlike traditional marquees, this one offers a constant infinite loop of text, ensuring your content is always in motion. But the real magic happens when a word comes into view. As each word scrolls into the primary marquee area, a secondary text area updates to showcase relevant information. This dual-display feature adds a layer of interactivity and engagement, making your content more dynamic and informative.

The Power of GSAP

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is the engine behind this enhanced marquee. Known for its high-performance animations, GSAP allows for smooth, seamless scrolling. It also offers extensive customization options, enabling you to tweak the speed, number of visible items, and other parameters to fit your specific needs.

Don’t Forget the CSS

While GSAP handles the heavy lifting, a bit of CSS is essential to style your marquee. From setting the height and width to defining the font and colors, CSS ensures your marquee looks as good as it performs. Be sure to pay attention to these details when integrating the script into your site.

Customization is Key

One of the standout features of this GSAP-powered marquee is its flexibility. You can easily adjust the script to increase or decrease the number of visible items and control the speed of the loop. This level of customization allows you to tailor the marquee to perfectly fit your website’s design and functionality needs.


Incorporating a GSAP-powered vertical marquee into your website is a fantastic way to add a touch of sophistication and interactivity. With its infinite loop, dual-display feature, and extensive customization options, this is not just another marquee—it's a game-changer. So, dive into the world of GSAP and CSS, and watch your content come to life like never before.

Marquees have long been a staple in web design, providing a dynamic way to display scrolling text. But what if you could take this classic element and supercharge it with extra functionality? Enter the GSAP-powered vertical marquee.

What Makes This Marquee Special?

Unlike traditional marquees, this one offers a constant infinite loop of text, ensuring your content is always in motion. But the real magic happens when a word comes into view. As each word scrolls into the primary marquee area, a secondary text area updates to showcase relevant information. This dual-display feature adds a layer of interactivity and engagement, making your content more dynamic and informative.

The Power of GSAP

GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is the engine behind this enhanced marquee. Known for its high-performance animations, GSAP allows for smooth, seamless scrolling. It also offers extensive customization options, enabling you to tweak the speed, number of visible items, and other parameters to fit your specific needs.

Don’t Forget the CSS

While GSAP handles the heavy lifting, a bit of CSS is essential to style your marquee. From setting the height and width to defining the font and colors, CSS ensures your marquee looks as good as it performs. Be sure to pay attention to these details when integrating the script into your site.

Customization is Key

One of the standout features of this GSAP-powered marquee is its flexibility. You can easily adjust the script to increase or decrease the number of visible items and control the speed of the loop. This level of customization allows you to tailor the marquee to perfectly fit your website’s design and functionality needs.


Incorporating a GSAP-powered vertical marquee into your website is a fantastic way to add a touch of sophistication and interactivity. With its infinite loop, dual-display feature, and extensive customization options, this is not just another marquee—it's a game-changer. So, dive into the world of GSAP and CSS, and watch your content come to life like never before.

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