
No Code Tools for Building an Online Business

This video introduces a variety of no code tools that can be used to build and manage an online business. 

The speaker provides insights into website builders, data management, customer communication, payment processing, and automation tools, along with practical tips and personal preferences. The speaker showcases a comprehensive stack of no code tools tailored for different aspects of building an online business. Starting with website builders like Card or Doric for simple landing pages, they emphasize the importance of choosing tools based on budget and requirements. For managing customer data, MailChimp is recommended, though its costs can increase with a growing user base. Airtable is highlighted for its powerful data management capabilities. The integration of tools like Webflow and member stacks is praised for seamless payment processing. Lastly, Zapier is endorsed for its extensive application library and automation features. The speaker assures that each tool will be explored in detail in subsequent lessons.


  1. Introduction to No Code Tools: The speaker introduces a variety of no code tools suitable for different business needs, from website building to customer communication.
  2. Website Builders: Tools like Card and Doric are recommended for their simplicity and affordability, especially for single landing pages.
  3. Customer Data Collection: MailChimp is highlighted for its ease of use and powerful email builder, although it can become costly with a large user base.
  4. Payment Processing: Integration of payment tools with member stacks and Webflow is discussed for its efficiency and rich features.
  5. Data Management with Airtable: Airtable is praised for its robust data management capabilities, including relationships between tables and custom views.
  6. Customer Data Submission: Integrated forms in Webflow are recommended for collecting data from customers without needing to code.
  7. Automation Tools: Zapier is chosen for its extensive application library and user-friendly interface, essential for automating tasks in an MVP.
  8. MailChimp Automations: Basic automation features in MailChimp, such as sending emails based on tags or group additions, are explained.
  9. Further Lessons: The speaker promises detailed guidance on each tool in future lessons, ensuring comprehensive understanding and implementation.
  10. Encouragement to Explore: Viewers are encouraged to explore other alternative tools to find what best suits their project needs.


🛠️ Website Builders: Choosing the right website builder depends on your specific needs, budget, and skill level.

💬 Customer Communication: MailChimp is favored for its robust features and ease of use, though costs can rise with larger email lists.

📊 Data Management: Airtable is highly recommended for its ability to create relationships between tables and custom data views.


No Code Tools for Building an Online Business

This video introduces a variety of no code tools that can be used to build and manage an online business. 

The speaker provides insights into website builders, data management, customer communication, payment processing, and automation tools, along with practical tips and personal preferences. The speaker showcases a comprehensive stack of no code tools tailored for different aspects of building an online business. Starting with website builders like Card or Doric for simple landing pages, they emphasize the importance of choosing tools based on budget and requirements. For managing customer data, MailChimp is recommended, though its costs can increase with a growing user base. Airtable is highlighted for its powerful data management capabilities. The integration of tools like Webflow and member stacks is praised for seamless payment processing. Lastly, Zapier is endorsed for its extensive application library and automation features. The speaker assures that each tool will be explored in detail in subsequent lessons.


  1. Introduction to No Code Tools: The speaker introduces a variety of no code tools suitable for different business needs, from website building to customer communication.
  2. Website Builders: Tools like Card and Doric are recommended for their simplicity and affordability, especially for single landing pages.
  3. Customer Data Collection: MailChimp is highlighted for its ease of use and powerful email builder, although it can become costly with a large user base.
  4. Payment Processing: Integration of payment tools with member stacks and Webflow is discussed for its efficiency and rich features.
  5. Data Management with Airtable: Airtable is praised for its robust data management capabilities, including relationships between tables and custom views.
  6. Customer Data Submission: Integrated forms in Webflow are recommended for collecting data from customers without needing to code.
  7. Automation Tools: Zapier is chosen for its extensive application library and user-friendly interface, essential for automating tasks in an MVP.
  8. MailChimp Automations: Basic automation features in MailChimp, such as sending emails based on tags or group additions, are explained.
  9. Further Lessons: The speaker promises detailed guidance on each tool in future lessons, ensuring comprehensive understanding and implementation.
  10. Encouragement to Explore: Viewers are encouraged to explore other alternative tools to find what best suits their project needs.


🛠️ Website Builders: Choosing the right website builder depends on your specific needs, budget, and skill level.

💬 Customer Communication: MailChimp is favored for its robust features and ease of use, though costs can rise with larger email lists.

📊 Data Management: Airtable is highly recommended for its ability to create relationships between tables and custom data views.

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